Best Season & Plants


If you’re like me, you’ve probably had some plants in your house for a while, and they may have grown into a healthy, happy family. But have you ever wondered what the best season of the year is for all types of plants? Well, I did and I decided to research it!

peace lily

Peace lilies are a good plant for beginners because they’re easy to grow, have beautiful flowers and don’t require much maintenance. They can be planted in low light conditions or in direct sunlight, so you’ll have no trouble finding space for them in your home.

Peace lilies also make great additions to bathrooms and offices because they’re suitable for humid environments where plants struggle to survive. The peace lily looks particularly great when placed on top of a dresser or countertop as an accent piece!

Finally, if you want something that will brighten up your bedroom but won’t take up too much space (or money) then consider adding some peace lilies into your décor!

snake plant

Snake plants are a must-have for anyone who wants to create an interesting and aesthetically pleasing indoor space. They’re low maintenance, so you won’t have to worry about watering them too often or taking care of their soil when it needs replenishing. The only thing you’ll need to do is keep the plant away from direct sunlight and water regularly (as needed).

If you’re new to growing plants, snake plants make a great choice because they don’t require much effort on your part—they just need some light and water! If this sounds like something that would fit into your lifestyle, then consider adding some snake plants in different areas around your house so that there’s always one close by for easy access when needed.


Pothos is a tropical plant that grows best in areas with warm temperatures and high humidity. It’s also known as “devil’s ivy” because of its long, vine-like leaves. Pothos can be grown indoors or outdoors, but it prefers low light levels because they are not very bright plants (unless you have an indoor greenhouse). For this reason, pothos should be chosen by beginners who want to learn about gardening and don’t mind moving their plants around once they get bigger than 2 feet tall!

If you live in an area where there is no natural sunlight or other type of artificial light source around—such as on top floors where windows face south—you might want to consider getting some fluorescent lights for your potted houseplants so that they’ll grow faster than usual without having trouble taking in enough nutrition from their food sources

fig plant

Fig plants are easy to grow, and they make great indoor plants. They’re not too fussy about their environment, so you can put them in just about any location—you’ll only need to make sure that it’s warm enough for the figs to grow. Figs do best with indirect sunlight and regular watering, but they don’t require too much attention from you either way (which is great if you have time constraints).

Figs are also good for beginners because they’re easy to take care of: no matter how green your thumb may be when it comes down on those baby leaves or buds, all that really matters is whether or not there’s enough light penetrating through the leaves (and whether or not those leaves will provide enough shade).


Dracaena is a genus of about 70 species of trees and succulent shrubs, native to Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. Dracaena fragrans is commonly called dragon tree or Christmas tree; it’s also known by many other common names. The dracaena’s large leaves are lime green in color with yellow edges and have long petioles (leaf stems). They can grow up to 5 feet tall if not pruned back regularly.


Bamboo is a grass. It’s also a very strong plant, which means it can grow in almost any area of the world. Bamboo is good for indoors and outdoors, but it’s especially well suited to monsoon seasons and winter months.


Orchids are a popular choice for indoor plants because they’re easy to care for and can handle a wide range of environments. They’re also one of the most commonly grown varieties, which means you’ll probably find one in your local nursery. If you’re new to orchids, this is an especially good time to start growing them indoors. They don’t require much attention—you just need water regularly and make sure that their pot has plenty of drainage holes so rainwater doesn’t pool inside them (this will cause root rot).

If you love traveling but hate taking along big bookshelves full of plants that need special care when away from home, then consider choosing an orchid as your next houseplant! Since they don’t require much light at all compared with other types such as ferns or palms (which do), they’re perfect if all your travels lead through dark rooms like those found on airplanes.”

spider plant

Spider plants are a great plant for beginners, as they’ll grow well in any type of soil and can be grown up to 1.5 meters tall. They’re also an excellent air purifier, as they absorb odors from the air and release them as they grow.

Spider plants can be grown in a variety of ways: hanging baskets, window sills or even directly on the floor! You’ll find that spider plants grow best when their roots are kept moist but not wet (although you may want to water them less frequently if you want them to stay healthy).

make sure you take care of your plants and they will take care of you.

  • Water. Plants need water to keep their roots healthy and growing. Make sure you have a good-quality potting soil that is moist but not soggy, and don’t let the pot get too wet (you can use an old pair of socks).
  • Sunlight and fertilizer. Plants need sunlight to grow their leaves and flowers, so make sure they get plenty of light each day by putting them outside in your garden or on windowsills during the warmer months. If you live in an area where it gets cold at night (such as in winter), consider adding additional heat lamps underneath your plants so they stay warm at night while still getting some natural sunlight during the day time hours.
  • Repotting every two years! Repotting means taking out one large container full of topsoil from inside your house or garage then putting fresh soil into another smaller container so that all around only half inch tall roots remain visible through holes made by sticking chopsticks straight down into holes made by poking fork tines straight up from bottom edge outwards toward top edge.”


Just remember to keep your plants watered and fed, and you’re sure to have a lush garden.

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